The Regional Transportation Study
The Move Together New York Project grew from the 2013 Regional Transportation Study, to develop a deeper regional understanding of existing transportation options and unmet needs.
The Regional Transportation Study (RTS), was a collaborative undertaking involving many agencies, organizations and individuals interested in improving transportation and mobility options and transit connections. The impetus for the RTS was to generate recommendations leading to more and better management of mobility alternatives for inter-county travel in the Study Area, with the following objectives:
- Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of existing mobility services across all modes of transportation.
- Develop and market real mobility choices to the public.
- Enable coordination among counties to provide cost-effective transportation programs for the Study Area.
Project Goals
A lack of reliable transportation, especially in rural areas, can severely affect a person’s quality of life and access to critical needs such as health care and employment.
Not being able to access health care or maintain employment, even for short periods of time, can lead to a rapid decline in one’s overall circumstances. The Move Together NY project takes a regional approach to addressing mobility constraints and has the potential to offer improved connections and transportation information.
The project strives to build the capacity of our region’s transportation network by raising awareness of existing services, fostering collaboration, and sharing educational resources and materials that are relevant to our region.
The current focus of the project is to improve access for people with limited mobility options to medical care and employment, particularly in rural areas and where cross-county travel is required.